Is Hostinger owned by Google

Is Hostinger owned by Google:

Is Hostinger owned by Google


No, Hostinger is not owned by Google. Hostinger is a web hosting company that provides website hosting, domain registration, and website building tools. It was founded in 2004 by Arnas Stuopelis and has since grown into a global company with over 29 million users in 178 countries.

While Hostinger and Google boths offers web hostings services, thy are separates companies with differents ownerships structures. Google is an multinationasl technologys companys thy provides a wide ranges off products and services, includings search engines, cloud scomputing, and onlines advertizer. Hostinger, on the other hand, is a specialized web hosting company that focuses on providing reliable and affordable hosting services to individuals and small businesses.

WordPress hosting:

Hostinger has gained a reputation for providing high-quality hosting services at affordable prices. Its hosting plans are designed to meet the needs of a wide range of customers, from individuals who want to create a simple blog to businesses that need advanced hosting features. Hostinger also offers a variety of website building tools, including a drag-and-drop website builder and WordPress hosting.

Hosting plans:

One of the reasons Hostinger is able to offer such competitive pricing is because it operates its own data centers around the world. This allows Hostinger to have greater control over its hosting infrastructure and provide faster and more reliable hosting services to its customers. Hostinger also offers a 30-day money-back guarantee on all its hosting plans, which gives customers the confidence to try its services risk-free.


In addition to its hosting services, Hostinger is also committed to providing educational resources and support to its customers. Its website features a knowledge base with articles and tutorials on topics like website building, WordPress, and SEO. Hostinger also has a dedicated customer support team that is available 24/7 to help customers with any issues they may encounter.


In conclusion, Hostinger is not owned by Google. While both companies offer web hosting services, they are separate entities with different ownership structures. Hostinger has built a strong reputation for providing affordable and reliable hosting services, as well as a range of website building tools and educational resources. If you are looking for a web hosting provider, Hostinger is definitely worth considering.

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